Related Entry: They Hate Us For Our Freedom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE >
Is there progress? According to "Arthur Koestler, for whom the human brain consisted of a little shop counter, ethical and rational (still very small), and a huge cerebral backroom, bestial, animal, territorial, charged with fears, irrationalities and murderous instincts. Millions of years would be needed, he said, for moral evolution to clear this brutal backroom."
The Enlightenment took humanity a giant step forward. But it's over eager optimism seems sad today. Both its glory and its naive failure. The nineteenth century was relatively peaceful in the west. But then the twentieth came, with its world wars. And the twenty-first started with Bush's absurd wars....... Let's hope it's not a "million years." MORE >
The Wulfshead club is a well known watering hole for all the strange and unusual people in the world. And for those just passing through... No one's quite sure exactly where the club itself is located, and the very anonymous management likes to keep it that way, but there are authorized access points at locations all around the world, if you know where to look. And if your name's on the approved list. ~Simon Green, Daemons Are Forever