
Arkham Horror was one of the games that I lay awake at night, wondering what would have happened if I had done something differently. It's one of those games where we didn't talk about the mechanics afterwards, but rather the story. It's one of those games where everyone stands up and high-fives each other when something good happens for the team.People will tell you:
---Tom Vasel's review
It also makes you lose some sanity each time you play it. It’s wonderful having a game that does it’s best to drive you to the edge of a really good panic and then kick you on the stomach and show that yes, things can be a LOT worse.
---Shina's Sketch Diary
It never seems that players can keep up. If they shut down one gate, another opens. If they overcome one threat, two more spring up. The terror level keeps rising, driving away valuable allies and shutting down useful stores. And that stinkin' Cthulhu is just sitting in the background, laughing and waiting . . .But enough about American politics.
It's rare to play something with its roots in emotion, rather than mere atmosphere. I can relate to this game, because I once had a dream about vibrant colors that I would never see again. Because I've looked down upon the seething crowds of New York from a 40th-story window. Because I knew a girl who dreamed every night about a sea full of floating corpses. Because I've turned strangers into friends, and friends into strangers.
---Psychotronic, on The Majesty of Colors
Dear Amazon.com Customer,
As someone who has purchased or rated It's Good to Be the King: The Seriously Funny Life of Mel Brooks by James Robert Parish, you might like to know that Akira Kurosawa: Master of Cinema will be released on March 9, 2010.
Basically, this is how things have progressed:
Progressives: We want a public option! ...Now that you're going to pass the bill through reconciliation after all, you can include the public option that both you and we love, because you only need 50 votes, and you've said all year you have that!
Democrats/WH: No. ...it's not the right time for the public option. The public option only polls at 65%, so it might make our health care bill -- which polls at 35% -- unpopular.
On both policy and political grounds, a public-option-free mandate seems distastrous for Democrats.
Polls: In Key States, Public Option Far More Popular Than Senate Plan
The first generation B.U.S.H. I had to be retired early (after one term only), after it was deemed that this early model antiquated social subroutine's lack of familiarity with the details of day-to-day human life in America, which had become public, made it a liability to Bionic Universal.
Bionic Universal soon to launch fourth generation of Synthesized Humanoid robots. The fourth-generation will no longer have the "simplified subroutine" component (responsible for the second generation model's famous September 11 meltdown), but will include instead a "dock" subroutine allowing the programmer to instruct the B.U.S.H. IV to dock with its owners in time of emergency.
They'd come to see naked hippy girls and a guy who said "fuck" right onstage. Instead they got flat-chested mothers of two waiting tables and a fat junkie who mumbled about due process.
I did not think at all of Rose, Walking with Rose to the woods that day ; Many a chat did she propose, But little enough had I to say. Cold was I even as a stone, Strolling along with careless strides. Of flow’rs, trees, spoke I in muffled tone ; Her bright eyes seemed to ask, " Besides ? " Its pearls the dawn-dew proffered us, And the hushed copses shadowy veils. I hearkened ouzels clamorous ; Rose only heard the nightingales. I sixteen years, and air morose ; Twenty she, with sparkling eyes. Amorous nightingales piped to Rose, Shrill ouzels mocked me with quick cries. Rose, on slender limbs soft-swaying, Stretched forth her fair arms quivering To pluck a ripe fruit earthward weighing, — And her white arm I did not see. A brooklet tinkled clear and sweet Among soft mosses 'neath the trees ; Slowly the heart of Nature beat, The hushed woods felt not any breeze. Rose took off her dainty shoe, And plashed, with pretty pouting air, Her snowy foot in waters blue, — And, ah, I saw not her foot bare. I knew not what to say at whiles, Still following her in solemn guise, Often seeing her dreamy smiles, And hearing often her soft sighs. How fair she was I did not see, Till tripping forth from the wood-way, " I’ll think no more of it ! " said she. Since when I think of it alway. | Je ne songeais pas à Rose; Rose au bois vint avec moi; Nous parlions de quelque chose, Mais je ne sais plus de quoi. J'étais froid comme les marbres; Je marchais à pas distraits; Je parlais des fleurs, des arbres; Son oeil semblait dire: "Aprés?" La rosée offrait ses perles, Le taillis ses parasols; J'allais; j'écoutais les merles, Et Rose les rossignols. Moi, seize ans, et l'air morose; Elle vingt; ses yeux brillaient. Les rossignols chantaient Rose, Et les merles me sifflaient. Rose, droite sur ses hanches, Leva son beau bras tremblant Pour prendre une mûre aux branches; Je ne vis pas son bras blanc. Une eau courait, fraiche et creuse Sur les mousses de velours; Et la nature amoureuse Dormait dans les grands bois sourds. Rose défit sa chaussure, Et mit, d'un air ingénu, Son petit pied dans l'eau pure; Je ne vis pas son pied nu. Je ne savais que lui dire; Je la suivais dans le bois, La voyant parfois sourire Et soupirer quelquefois. Je ne vis qu'elle était belle Qu'en sortant des grands bois sourds. "Soit; n'y pensons plus!" dit-elle. Depuis j'y pense toujours. |
Which is more generally correct?
F = m a
F = d p / d t