Of course it was a coup!

A perfectly legal one.

But a coup nonetheless — aka politics as usual.
Gorgias of Leontinoi (Bartender might have met him — me, I am just too young, and we didn't run in the same circles) said of Greek Tragedy that it is "a swindle in which the swindler is more just than the swindled, and the swindled wiser than the swindler." One may travesty this aphorism by saying that politics is a swindle in which the swindled is more just than the swindler, and the swindler wiser (i.e. more politically shrewd) than the swindled.
But what do I know?
Maybe it was just dumb luck.
Or an act of God, perhaps. I mean, there are those who believe God is English.
You know: "He blew his wind, and they were scattered," and all that...

I mean, you've got to wonder about things like that.
The Invincible Spanish Armada, I mean.
And don't get me started on the goddess Artemis clipping the wind out of the fleet of a 1000 ships.
I don't know, maybe God is a neocon. Is that still a thing? Or what designation are the warmongers of the dominant empire of the era wearing on their lapel those days? (I don't want to offend anyone.)
Elon Musk has the perfect car for you:

It's called a cybertruck.

(Now, where have I seen this car before?)

Wait... Don't forget your mask!

Everything's back to normal all over again.
Good night, sleep tight,
Careful, now...
Don't let the bedbugs bite...