"I've long talked about the battle for the soul of Transylvania."

"We must restore the soul of Transylvania. Our nation is shaped by the constant battle between our better angels and our darkest impulses."

"It's time for our better angels to prevail."

Quite a speech, really. Almost brought a tear to my eye.

MSM and SM have been gushing over his running mate and her choice of outfit for her acceptance speech, and how her white pantsuit and pussy-bow blouse were a most perfect and timely touch.
There are those who will say that the all-white ensemble was a bit over the top. But I disagree. In fact, dress scholars Mary Ellen Roach and Joanne Eicher find that what you wear is one of the main ways we send social signals.
Even more so where politicians are concerned.
The beyond the grave revival of her political ambitions is nothing short of unearthly in the aftermath of her dead and buried presidential primary campaign: the color white hereof hearkens back to the unspoken symbolism of a time-honored tradition.

There is no arguing with tradition—or with style!
What can I say, I have always been a sucker for style.

Don't take it personally, but I may just have to take a pass on the campaign promotional T-shirts, though. I am sure you understand.

The political events and vampires depicted in this post are fictitious. Any similarity to actual politicians living or undead is neither intended nor coincidental but inevitable.