Open Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor.It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him.


Ask the eight ball


  1. Do you mind if I comment? There was no comment box, so I made one. Is this a tech thing?

  2. amiable and attentive of you to inquire, sir. The gentleman is a kind man. And considerate in his asking, for, as Lao Tzu said "Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music."

  3. Actually, it was Marcel Marceau who'd said that.

  4. Anyway, as the gentleman correctly surmised, the issue in this instance turned out to be...ah...a glitch in the Matrix.

  5. The "tech thing" is corrected, sir.

    (The management apologizes for the inconvenience.)

    The ability for anyone to invite others to sit at their table, or not, is left to the sole discretion of the patrons, of course, and is a function of how sociable anyone might be or on the mood of the moment.

    Some patrons sometimes prefer to drink alone.

  6. Ha! And then there are people who NEVER drink.

  7. There are studies supporting the idea that in societies where moderate use of alcohol is the norm, abstinence may be associated with being socially marginalized, or particular personality traits that may also be associated with mental illness. In other words, you're not cool if you don't drink.

  8. Don't trust anyone who doesn't drink ;-)
