Open A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.


"Americans overuse medical services because they generally don't have to pay much for them..."


  1. "This is a win-win potentially for both health insurers and the insured," said insurance analyst Gavin Magor of Weiss Ratings in Jupiter, Fla., which recently reported no rise in medical spending for hundreds of insurers nationwide for most of 2010."


    Yup, just buck up (pay up the health insurers) and shut up (don't go to the Doctor - you won't be able to afford it anyway), and nobody gets hurt.

    Message received loud and clear:

    Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones applauded Blue Shield for its action. "Today's announcement is a welcome development and certainly relief for nearly 200,000 policyholders, and reminds us all that insurance companies hold all the cards when it comes to setting rates," Jones said.

    If the matter were not so serious, it would be farcical.

  2. So much for the "importance" of "preventive care" and "keeping America healthy," I guess.

  3. And because healthcare is so inexpensive they try extra hard to become sick. Just to use that healthcare.
