

With Friends Like These...

Cuts to Anthem's rate hikes are not for everyone

150,983 people with individual Anthem policies plans overseen by the Department of Managed Health Care, an agency under California Gov. Jerry Brown (left), saw raised rates by as much as 26% in their premium starting May 1st — in addition to a hike in co-pay and deductibles.

Practically all of them will be paying significantly more than those (about 600,000 people) who had the good fortune of being under the supervision of State Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones.

Many of the policyholders facing bigger rate increases said they were surprised to learn that their individual plans were regulated by the managed healthcare department. They said they had believed — incorrectly — that they too would see a limited increase on their rates and other costs, like most other consumers with individual policies from Anthem.

The department asked Anthem to justify the cost differences and report back by April 25 — days before the new rates took effect.

More than two months later, now, nearly 121,000 people are still eagerly awaiting an answer.

Doubtless, any time soon, now, they'll be hearing back from the department...

Consumer advocates also are puzzled:


  1. The only real solution is non-for-profit, universal healthcare like in Germany, France, Japan, UK or Canada etc etc.

  2. One would think that with 60% of the California Senate being Democrats that California Assembly Bill 52 would now be a slam dunk. But that's counting without the power, clout and money the health insurance industry wields in the California legislature.
