They weren't?

Oh, pooh!
Don't you just hate it when a filmmaker, nowadays, just doesn't understand what the proper place of a woman in a fantasy setting should be?

Obviously, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg didn't properly research their subject:

Many a popinjay do agree with Fred.
Witness: Kenneth Turan's vitriolic review of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland:

Goodness gracious . . .

Otto Weininger must be rolling in his grave :)
je ne sais quoi
ReplyDeleteYou think these costumes are tacky? Look back to the fifties when the UCLA football team and cheerleaders were the uprising Apache tribe. And the spirit of only a dead Indian is a good Indian still prevailed.
That was what you got from Hollywood then.
Had a girlfriend once who admired John Wayne. "But he's a jerk," I would tell her. "A rightwing crypto neo fascist who thinks black mothers on welfare are all Cadillac queens exploiting the government teat."
Ah, but she still liked him. No matter what his politics. No matter how big a jerk he was. He had that western je ne sais quoi. That rolling gate (John Ford drilled into him) and that rye sense of humor. (Did I say rye? Give me another one!) That brawny swagger which made all things finally alright. Who, as Hunter Thompson once wonderfully put it, made you respect and admire "the essential decency of the white man's culture."
So now Hollywood caters to current tastes. So? Sometimes a good socially conscious drama comes out, like Syriana or Michael Clayton. A movie which is a work of art. But the cooperative system which is Hollywood, where millions of dollars and numerous personalities are required to come together to even make a movie: that's the current artistic truth. Even if "independents" came together to break up the studio system decades ago.
Did any of that make sense? Who knows? Let's have another drink. Time for deep thought.
Je ne sais quoi, that is.
ReplyDeleteA Woman's Place...
A woman's place is most certainly not in the kitchen
(barefoot, pregnant, ew! *twitch/shudder*)...
my place is in the Kitchjin!
I would never wear the Little House on the Prairie outfits yet...
I'd so wear the hawt Gunslingin' chappy things
(assuming they're pleather, of course ;-)
I've not seen any of these films you speak of so I can't offer my jinuine opinion.
*Mmmmm.... this French Bread that I just took out of the oven is sooooo good! Warm French bread slathered with buttery goodness... and it pairs soooo well with this Old Vine Zin...*
Um... I had a point here.
I guess I forgot it.
Bread anyone?
Ooo jin, I'm afraid some of that butter slab has slipped off your slice and down the channel to your bosom. May I jassume the Man's Place in the club and be of jassistance?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of assistance, I cleaned up a bit of Quinty comment for him...in case you notice some difference from earlier. All part of the service here. A big strong man is Mr. Fix-It, y'know.
Quinty, are you flooded? Good thing The Wulfshead's built on high ground. Getting higher all the time too!
Speaking of 1950s movies, it was those angora sweaters the women wore that turned me into the debauched lecher you see today. Their breasts were like the fins on this Plymouth~~~
The bras and sweatpads were full of wires and scaffolding. What chance did a meadow wandering hayseed have in that dark airconditioned cinema?
Yes you may tidy the butter.... after all, somebody has to do it!
Only thing that comes to mind when I hear of angora sweaters is Ed Wood. Now I bet he'd be a jinteresting gent to jinvite to the Wulfshead. Anyone know a good medium?!!?
I actually enjoyed Alice in 3D. Great graphics btw!
ReplyDeleteWe're on top of a hill, here, though the ground is soaked. And some water came into the basement. Not much, though.
ReplyDeleteNearby I saw hoses leading down into basements and the water being pumped up out into the street. The sun came out, finally. A good sign. There parts of Rhode Island which are still under water and a couple of rivers, with Indian names, are still rising.
But we survived.