And they all are afraid, Ma'am.
They don't know what to do.
The President least of them all.
Theirs is a cruel and capricious god.
And they have all learned to fear it.
Witness Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, the
ranking member for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation.: She fears that "
halting offshore drilling would threaten the U.S. economy." At
this point in time, that is it, Ma'am: the Senator's chief concern is that "
placing those resources off limits...[will] threatens thousands of jobs associated with oil and gas development along the Gulf Coast."
Which was already, more or less, the President's position with regard to offshore drilling just before the Deepwater Horizon tragedy struck.
Governor Bobby Jindal told President Obama in early June that the moratorium could cost as many as 20,000 jobs in the state over the next 12 months to 18 months. And twenty lawmakers from Gulf states said in a press conference last Tuesday that a six-month moratorium will hurt offshore drilling companies and suppliers that contribute $6 billion yearly to the federal government.
It's bad enough that we have an oil spill to deal with and the fishermen can't work. Now they're going to take away the oil industry, and we'll have nothing," said Chett Chiasson, executive director for the Greater Lafourche Port Commission, which runs Port Fourchon, the launching point for 90 percent of the deepwater activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
"If the rigs stop prospecting for oil, then catering companies stop cooking food for rig workers, boats stop bringing them supplies, mechanics stop servicing the supply boats and so on."
what they say, Ma'am.
Are people worshiping a false god?
I wouldn't know, Ma'am.
There are those who say that they are:
Alas, what choice do they have? The people, Ma'am...Most of them...a job is all they know. And all they have. And they too are afraid.
And what is Ken Salazar saying? President Obama's U.S. Secretary of the interior, Ma'am... The gentleman is now claiming---against mounting
evidences to the contrary---that “
no level of regulation would have prevented what happened.”
Alas, he, too...he is afraid,
May I serve the gentlelady another drink?
This one is on the house, Ma'am.
This is quite a fetching t-shirt, the gentlelady is wearing---if it is not too bold of me to say...
And, ah...the text on the back reads:
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money."
Wolf Robe, was it?