

May I Introduce My Date For The Evening?


  1. She has a lovely wrist, hand and magic heart. Is she a member of the club?

  2. Yes indeed she does. I believe Concierge Lloyd has sent the invitation personally. However, one side of her is very shy, so nothing may come of it.

    The other side though may blow us out of the water---or into it. Never mind, you're an air sign and have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, that's not true...because your 2 sides are either floating off or honing in.

  3. Actually there are six of me. Gemini, bipolar, born in the year of the Monkey. I'm afraid I'm destined to keep company with myself while revealing everything as if I were an open book. And yet it could all be fiction.

  4. A hexagon! Magicker and magicker. Fear not, Year of the Dragon guy here, ready for a blast of the old cleansing fire. Or perhaps you'd prefer a visit to the cave? Pending arrival of a knight of course.
