

There's quite a line to get in here tonight.

Or is that overflow from the confirmation hearings?

Doesn't matter. They are all well-behaved, docile, that sort of thing. I say we send them a round or two. Might be a long night.


  1. It's perhaps been overlooked lately that radiation is good for you. An atomic or nuclear explosion is free radiation you'd ordinarily have to pay a technician for. These people are taking advantage of it.

    In fact in the 1950s, before clothes dryers, Mom always hung out the clothes before an aboveground atomic test. Clothes got clean clean cleaner from each blast. When you folded and stacked up the towels, the fallout pile was inches higher than towels dried in mere sunlight.

  2. I remember sitting with the family on the front lawn here in Slat Lake City when I was a child and watching the sky light up in the southern sky as the first above ground test of the atomic bomb went off. Like watching a fire works display. I have friends who are dying from cancers related to those first blast and the fallout.

  3. Tough about those pals. Along the Ohio River, where I live, we regularly produce the most polluted air in the nation. Our coal-burning powerhouses make all the electric for places like Manhattan...and of course we're huge with chemicals. People who live along that stretch (Marietta to Portsmouth) sorta expect brain cancer anywhere from birth to dementia.

    Perhaps my satire wasn't in the best taste? Allow me to freshen your drink.

  4. Your satire was fine. Can you fill my bong instead of freshening my drink?

  5. Ah, you surprised me. Only if you'll linger a moment for just a touch of conversation. I don't know you, but share your admiring attraction for that astonishing Malaysian actress. Here, let me offer some pure hybrid herb I found during a trip to Maine...of all places. Just a pinch should do it.

    Yes well, actually I believe Yu Shu-lien is the name of the character Michelle Yeoh plays in Crouching Tiger. Of course Memoirs of a Geisha was meant to introduce her more thoroughly to Western audiences, but I didn't like it so much. How are you feeling now, Ms. Savage?
